-Site Preparation
-Erosion Control

Avantages of using a FilterSock
The tubular design of FilterSock allows for more contact with the ground, allowing for better control of sediment and water-soluble pollutants, when compared to Silt fence.
A larger contact area with the ground lowers the risk of sediment and pollutants from passing under FilterSock.
A less invasive barrier resulting in minimal disruption for workers on site, and for wildlife activity.
Multiple sizes and lengths available to suit your job.
Can be used to slow down water run-off on large slopes preventing pervasive erosion issues on site.
Little to no removal costs due to the photodegradable or biodegradable nature of the material.
Organic material within the FilterSock can be utilized to help with soil health once the product is no longer needed.
Organic material in the FilterSock has microorganisms living in it to help break down contaminants.
Can be used year-round as there is no trenching involved, making it the obvious choice for winter projects.
No soil disruption in the installation phase (no trenching).
Better suited to withstand the elements when compared to silt fence lowering the amount of ESC repairs.
Site perimeter
Inlet protectior
Runoff diversion
Sediment traps
Slope interruption
Check dams
Temporary retaining walls
Water filtration to reduce turbidity
When trenching in the terrain is too costly or difficult due to trees, rough terrain, or tough soil conditions
During winter months when trenching is near impossible
On concrete or pavement where silt fence is unable to be staked in
Where wildlife must be undisturbed and have the ability to pass over the barrier

Benefits of FilterSock
The first picture depicts a failed silt fence. The flow of water pushes the fence over, allowing contaminated water and sediment to flow in to a fresh water supply.
The next picture shows how FilterSock successfully contains the unwanted sediment and pollutants, allowing filtered water to flow into the fresh water supply.